Key Operational Strategies
Policy: The development, implementation and review of policy to promote an enabling environment for private sector led growth.
Legislation: The enacting and review of legislation to support this enabling environment.
Regulation: Private sector regulation to meet legislative obligation to support this enabling environment.
Private Sector Support Programmes: Facilitation of enterprise growth and development through coordinated private sector support programmes guided by the Ministry and implemented through its parastatals and development corporations.
Management & Administration: Management and coordination of policy, legislation and regulation, with planning, finance, analytical and administrative support.
Strategic Objectives 0f the Ministry of Trade and Industry
The Ministry will work within the existing policy and legal framework to achieve the following objectives:
Enhance productive capacity and increase exports
Diversify and improve market access
Strengthen investment and trade promotion
Promote consumer protection
Strengthen trade institutions’ capacity and efficiency
Strengthen the Capacity of MTI for Efficient and Effective Delivery of Services
Strengthen and promote quality infrastructure